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Pima County Animal Control: Keeping Pets Safe and Secure

Pima County Animal Control

Pima County Animal Control is responsible for the welfare and safety of animals in Pima County, providing shelter, adoption services, and enforcement of animal-related laws.

Pima County Animal Control is an organization dedicated to the safety and security of all animals in its jurisdiction. Whether you're a pet owner or simply a concerned citizen who cares about animal welfare, you'll find plenty of reasons to support the work that this agency does. From rescuing stray dogs and cats to enforcing animal cruelty laws, Pima County Animal Control is a vital resource for both owners and their furry friends.

One of the most important roles that Pima County Animal Control plays is in helping reunite lost pets with their owners. If your pet goes missing, this agency can help you search for them and even alert local shelters and veterinarians to keep an eye out. They also offer tips for keeping your pet safe from theft and other dangers, such as proper identification and avoiding leaving them outside unattended.

Another crucial aspect of Pima County Animal Control's work is preventing animal abuse and neglect. They investigate reports of mistreatment and work with law enforcement to prosecute offenders. They also provide education and resources to help pet owners understand the responsibilities that come with caring for animals and how to recognize signs of abuse or neglect in others.

If you want to learn more about how Pima County Animal Control keeps pets safe and secure, read on to discover all the ways they're making a difference in the lives of animals and their human companions. Whether you're a pet lover or just someone who cares about the health and well-being of all creatures great and small, this article is for you.


Pima County Animal Control is an organization dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all animals within its jurisdiction. They offer a range of services that cater to pet owners and concerned citizens, including rescuing stray animals, enforcing animal cruelty laws, and reuniting lost pets with their owners. In this article, we will explore the vital work done by Pima County Animal Control to protect our furry friends.

Lost Pet Assistance

Pima County Animal Control provides valuable assistance to pet owners who have lost their furry friends. In this section, we will discuss the services they offer and the steps you can take to increase your chances of finding your pet.

How Pima County Animal Control Can Help You Find Your Lost Pet

If your pet goes missing, Pima County Animal Control can help you search for them. They can also alert local shelters and veterinarians to keep an eye out for your pet. Here are some of the services they provide:

  • Search assistance: Pima County Animal Control can help you create flyers and search strategies to aid in your search for your lost pet.
  • Shelter check-ins: If your pet is microchipped, Pima County Animal Control will check local shelters to see if your pet has been brought in.
  • Social media outreach: Pima County Animal Control can post about your missing pet on their social media platforms to increase visibility.

If you've lost your pet, contact Pima County Animal Control immediately to get started on the search.

How to Reduce Your Pets' Chances of Getting Lost

Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your pets safe. Here are some tips to keep your pets from getting lost:

  • Always keep your pets on a leash or in a securely enclosed area.
  • Make sure your pets are microchipped and their tags are up-to-date.
  • Keep a recent photo of your pet on hand in case they get lost.

Preventing Animal Abuse and Neglect

Pima County Animal Control works tirelessly to prevent animal abuse and neglect. Here, we will discuss the resources they offer to pet owners and individuals who want to report suspected abuse.

How Pima County Animal Control Prevents Animal Abuse and Neglect

Pima County Animal Control offers a range of services to prevent animal abuse and neglect, including:

  • Investigating reports of mistreatment: If you suspect someone is abusing or neglecting an animal, you can report it to Pima County Animal Control, who will investigate and take appropriate action.
  • Working with law enforcement: Pima County Animal Control works closely with local law enforcement to prosecute offenders of animal abuse and neglect.
  • Providing education and resources: They offer resources and educational materials to help pet owners understand the responsibilities that come with caring for animals and how to recognize signs of abuse or neglect.

If you suspect animal abuse or neglect, don't hesitate to contact Pima County Animal Control.

How to Recognize Signs of Animal Abuse or Neglect

It's important to be able to recognize signs of animal abuse or neglect. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Obvious physical injuries or marks on an animal's body
  • A pet that appears malnourished or dehydrated
  • Animals that are kept in dirty, cramped, or dark spaces
  • Animals that show signs of fear or aggression towards their owners
  • Owners who consistently neglect basic pet needs, such as food, water, and proper shelter


Pima County Animal Control is an invaluable resource for animal lovers and concerned citizens alike. They offer a range of services that cater to pet owners and individuals who want to help protect our furry friends. From reuniting lost pets with their owners to preventing animal abuse and neglect, Pima County Animal Control plays a crucial role in keeping our furry friends safe and secure.

Table Comparison

Services Offered Lost Pet Assistance Preventing Animal Abuse and Neglect
Search assistance ✔️
Shelter check-ins ✔️
Social media outreach ✔️
Investigating reports of mistreatment ✔️
Working with law enforcement ✔️
Providing education and resources ✔️


I think the work that Pima County Animal Control does is incredibly important. As an animal lover, I appreciate that they are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all animals within their jurisdiction. Their services cater not only to pet owners but also individuals who want to help protect animals from abuse and neglect. I think it's crucial that we have organizations like Pima County Animal Control to help keep our furry friends safe.

Welcome to Pima County Animal Control

Welcome to Pima County Animal Control, where we are dedicated to providing professional and compassionate animal control services in the Pima County area. Our mission is to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of both animals and the community through proactive and responsive animal services. With a wide range of services, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of animals and promote responsible pet ownership.

Our Mission: Committed to Ensuring Health, Safety, and Welfare

At Pima County Animal Control, our primary commitment is to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of both animals and the community. We understand the importance of creating a harmonious environment where animals and residents can coexist peacefully. Through our proactive and responsive approach, we aim to address the needs of animals and provide support to the community.

Services Offered: Rescue, Enforcement, Adoption, and Education

We offer a comprehensive range of services to meet the diverse needs of our community. Our services include animal rescue, enforcement of pet-related ordinances, adoption programs, and educational initiatives.

Animal Rescue

Our dedicated team of professionals works tirelessly to rescue animals in distress. Whether it's a stray cat stuck in a tree or an injured dog wandering the streets, we prioritize their well-being and safety. We provide necessary medical care, rehabilitate them, and work towards finding suitable homes for these animals. Through our efforts, we strive to give every animal a chance at a better life.

Enforcement of Pet-related Ordinances

Enforcing local animal control laws is crucial in maintaining a harmonious and safe environment. We ensure compliance with licensing requirements, leash laws, and other pet-related ordinances. In addition, we respond to complaints regarding animal nuisances promptly and take appropriate actions to address the concerns. By enforcing these laws, we create a community where both residents and animals can live peacefully.

Adoption Programs

Our adoption programs play a vital role in finding loving and responsible owners for the animals in our care. We match animals with potential owners based on their compatibility, ensuring a successful and long-lasting relationship. Through these programs, we promote responsible pet ownership and reduce the number of animals in shelters. Our goal is to find forever homes where these animals can thrive and be loved.

Lost and Found

We understand the distress caused by losing a beloved pet. That's why we offer assistance in reuniting lost pets with their owners. We maintain a comprehensive database and provide resources to help locate and identify missing animals in our community. By actively engaging with the community, we increase the chances of reuniting lost pets with their families and bringing joy back into their lives.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community is essential to raise awareness about responsible pet ownership, wildlife management, and animal welfare. We conduct educational initiatives, workshops, and outreach programs to empower individuals with knowledge and understanding. By working together, we can create a compassionate community that values and respects the well-being of all creatures.


Collaboration is key to providing comprehensive animal services and support within Pima County. We actively partner with local animal shelters, law enforcement agencies, and veterinary clinics to maximize our impact. These partnerships enable us to enhance our services, share resources, and collectively work towards our mission of ensuring the welfare of animals and the community.

Emergency Response

In times of natural disasters or emergencies, we understand the importance of safeguarding the well-being of animals. We work closely with other agencies to ensure their safety, providing shelter, medical care, and necessary support. Our team is trained to handle emergency situations with efficiency and compassion, ensuring that both domestic and wild animals receive the care they need during challenging times.

At Pima County Animal Control, we are dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of animals and the community. Through our services, partnerships, and community engagement, we strive to create a harmonious environment where animals are treated with compassion and respect. Join us in our mission of ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of both animals and the community in Pima County.

Pima County Animal Control: A Journey of Compassion and Care


Pima County Animal Control is an organization dedicated to the welfare and protection of animals in Pima County, Arizona. With a mission to provide compassionate care, control, and placement services for domestic animals, their work extends far beyond just enforcement and regulation.


Established in 1979, Pima County Animal Control serves as the primary agency responsible for handling animal-related issues within the county. Their dedicated team of animal control officers, shelter staff, and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of both pets and wildlife.

The organization operates under the guiding principles of respect, responsibility, and empathy towards all creatures. They are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventing animal cruelty, and finding loving homes for abandoned or neglected animals.

Services Offered

Pima County Animal Control offers a wide range of services aimed at protecting and caring for animals in need. These include:

  1. Emergency Response: Animal control officers swiftly respond to calls regarding injured, aggressive, or stray animals, ensuring public safety and animal welfare.
  2. Animal Shelter: The organization operates a state-of-the-art animal shelter, providing temporary housing, medical care, and rehabilitation for homeless or surrendered animals.
  3. Adoption Programs: Pima County Animal Control actively promotes pet adoptions, matching animals with loving families through thorough screening processes.
  4. Spay/Neuter Initiatives: To tackle the issue of pet overpopulation, the organization offers affordable spay/neuter services, reducing the number of unwanted animals.
  5. Education and Outreach: Pima County Animal Control conducts various educational programs and community outreach initiatives to raise awareness about responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.

Impact and Achievements

Over the years, Pima County Animal Control has made a significant impact on the lives of countless animals and residents in the community. Their efforts have resulted in:

  • Thousands of successful adoptions, providing loving homes for abandoned animals.
  • Reduced instances of animal cruelty through proactive enforcement and education.
  • Increased compliance with pet licensing and vaccination requirements, ensuring the health and safety of both animals and humans.
  • A growing network of dedicated volunteers and supporters who contribute to the organization's mission.


Pima County Animal Control serves as a shining example of compassion and dedication towards animal welfare. Through their comprehensive services, partnerships, and community engagement, they continue to improve the lives of animals and promote responsible pet ownership. Their tireless efforts make Pima County a safer and more humane place for all creatures.

Table: Pima County Animal Control Services

Service Description
Emergency Response Swift response to calls regarding injured, aggressive, or stray animals.
Animal Shelter Temporary housing, medical care, and rehabilitation for homeless or surrendered animals.
Adoption Programs Promotion of pet adoptions, thorough screening processes for prospective owners.
Spay/Neuter Initiatives Affordable services to reduce pet overpopulation and unwanted animals.
Education and Outreach Educational programs and community initiatives on responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on Pima County Animal Control. We hope that you found the information provided useful and informative.As pet owners, it is important for us to ensure that our furry friends are kept safe and secure at all times. Luckily, Pima County Animal Control offers a range of services that can help achieve this goal.Whether you need help with licensing, vaccination, or finding a lost pet, Pima County Animal Control is here to provide assistance. By working together, we can create a safer and happier community for both pets and people.If you have any questions or concerns about Pima County Animal Control, please do not hesitate to reach out. Stay safe and take care of your pets!

As a virtual assistant, I am here to provide you with information regarding Pima County Animal Control and answer some of the common questions that people ask about keeping their pets safe and secure.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions:

  1. What is Pima County Animal Control?
    Pima County Animal Control is a government organization that is responsible for enforcing animal-related laws and regulations in Pima County, Arizona. Their primary goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of both pets and people in the community.
  2. What services does Pima County Animal Control offer?
    Pima County Animal Control offers a wide range of services, including pet licensing, rabies vaccinations, animal adoptions, cruelty investigations, and emergency response for injured or stray animals. They also provide educational resources on responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.
  3. How can I report animal abuse or neglect?
    If you suspect animal abuse or neglect, you should contact Pima County Animal Control immediately. You can call their hotline at (520) 724-5900 or submit an online report on their website. They take all reports of animal cruelty seriously and will investigate each case thoroughly.
  4. What should I do if I find a stray animal?
    If you find a stray animal, you should contact Pima County Animal Control or your local animal shelter. They can help you locate the owner of the animal or place it in a temporary home until a permanent home can be found. It is important to never approach a stray animal without caution, as they may be frightened or aggressive.
  5. How can I keep my pet safe and secure?
    There are many ways to keep your pet safe and secure, such as keeping them on a leash or in a fenced yard, ensuring they have proper identification tags, and providing them with regular veterinary care. It is also important to keep toxic substances and dangerous objects out of their reach and to never leave them alone in a hot car.

By following these tips and utilizing the services provided by Pima County Animal Control, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of your pets and the entire community.